You may not know this, but this year marks the 200th anniversary of the invention of the fabled bain marie – which has of course become a staple of Australian cuisine, heating everything from the humble dim sim to your all-you-can-eat Sizzler buffet.

Recognising this, Sydney and Melbourne are joining together to celebrate with The Bain marie Invitational, featuring two of Australia’s foremost fuzz-rock outfits: the appropriately-named Food Court from Sydney, and The Pretty Littles from Melbourne.

Taking the opportunity to don their journalist caps for some hard-hitting questions, the two bands have interrogated each other about various pertinent issues – both food-related and otherwise – below.

Two of our faves, they’ll be teaming up to play Melbourne’s Yah Yah’s this Saturday August 12th with Chillers on support duties, and will hit up Sydney’s Botany View Hotel on Saturday August 27th with Nick Nuisance & The Delinquents.

Food Court Interrogate The Pretty Littles

Can you name one thing Sydney does better than Melbourne?

Slaughtering pigs. Way way way better than us. Is it Mr Crackles? The place on Oxford St? Surely they’d rip through about 300 pigs on a good Saturday night. Inspiring stuff. In Melbourne we only have pig substitute – a mix of human piss, shredded paper and MSG. If you pay top dollar you can get pretty good stuff but generally it’s all just okay.

Is Jack a full-time model or do banks and buses just love him to bits?

You know he doesn’t actually get paid for the modelling work? And the banks/buses barely tolerate him. It’s all just part of his god complex, the guy can’t survive without the masses see his mug at every turn. In all seriousness, the 4 of us did the latest *undisclosed bank with the greatest loans and personal/business account options, visit a branch today to find out more* ads as a band, but since the rest of us look like dog shit on camera Jack was the only one that got picked for the billboards. Sucked in.

Was recording your debut album awesome or shithouse? Please explain either in 27.5 words or less.

All the recording so far has been pretty good. As long as the studio musos don’t fuck it up too much and we don’t run out of heroi-

Poached or Scrambled? Blundstones or Hush Puppies? Pride or prejudice? Dan or Nic?

Raw, one thong, anything but pride, which ones the front man again? He once sent us/me some toe nail clippings and a signed photo of his abs ♥♥

If Bain Marie was a) A display of hot food or b) A hot French lawyer or c) A Melbourne craft beer… which would you take home to meet your parents?

My alcoholic swinger parents would love it if I brought home b or c. But like screw those narks like you know I’m a friggin grown up I mean come on. From now I’m only looking out for number one. The display.

The Pretty Littles Fire Right Back At Food Court

Alright here we go… How’s it going? 

Yeah nah.

No seriously. I feel like whenever I ask about your feelings you close yourself off from me. Are we cool? Do we need to talk about us?

When I saw your sexy face, come towards me with a little cheeky smile if you were a phone i’d pick you up and dial the fire brigade or zero zero zero, then you stopped me in my tracks and I said ‘mmm hchello hchello…’ (Refer to Q.3 pls)

What’s your favourite Cat Empire song?

They are all good aye. More importantly we heard you guys were supporting Chumbawumba for their world tour so we feel a large congratulations is in order.

I’m thinking about getting myself taxidermied. Who did the bear in your For The Morning clip?

Actually the bear wasn’t taxidermied. He was a close family friend actually. His name was Barry and he has been dead for 18years. He doesn’t smell too good anymore and we all vommed between takes. Our art always comes first. Always.

How many bain-maries would you have in your ideal food court, and what would be the hero dish?

It’s not a numbers game! Ideally a complete circle of Bain-Maries. Like a culinary Stonehenge. And hero food? A thin bag of prawn crackers any day of the week.

Can I have 5 bucks?

Yeah, nah.

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