With a voice that cuts a striking contrast between youthful girlishness and commanding maturity, Lisa Richards demands your attention and your heart with her fifth release, Beating Of The Sun.

Having just returned to Australia after a lengthy stint residing in the United States, her newest album gathers depth as it plays, and charming quirkiness makes way for layers of sorrow and soul-searching.

A hybrid mix of country, folk, jazz, and blues, Richards captures the essence of beauty in every bar and note. She takes power clashing to the extreme, pairing accordion with steel string guitar, and soaring highs with deep and fat bass slides, bringing a cluster of genres and sounds into one powerful and driving piece of art.

Coming six years after ger last album , Mad Mad Love, Richards’ themes and style have matured vastly on her latest release, and the production of is vastly superior.

Opening track “Every Star” pulls the listener in quickly and deeply, a perfect introduction to the strength and depth to follow. The title track, lilting and sultry, is a particular credit, and stands strong as Richard’s defining piece. The inspiration for the rest of the album, “Beating Of The Sun”.

The album rolls seamlessly, and track placement is near perfect. Each song defining and bold enough to stand on its own, together tell a touching story of loss, grief, and growth. Breathtakingly beautiful, the album is a joy to listen to, and Richards a pleasure to journey with.

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